domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011


Comparto un excelente video de dos minutos realizado especialmente para este Día Internacional de la Mujer recién pasado. En él, Daniel Craig, en su papel del 007, es obligado a reflexionar por M (interpretada por Judy Dench) sobre aspectos de equidad de género. El video fue dirigido por la artista Sam Taylor-Wood, escrito por Jane Goldman. A continuación transcribo el diálogo de M:

"We’re equals, aren’t we, 007? Yet it is 2011 and a man is still likely to earn more money than a woman, even one doing the same job. You have a far better chance of entering political office, or becoming a company director. As a man, you are less likely to be judged for promiscuous behavior, which is just as well, frankly. And hardly any chance of falling victim to sexual assault. And unlike the 30,000 women in the UK who lose their jobs annually due to pregnancy, there will be virtually no risk to your career if you chose to become a parent. Or, became one accidentally. For someone with such a fondness for women, I wonder if you have ever considered what it might be like to be one.

The world has changed. But the numbers remain stacked against us. Women are responsible for 2/3 of the work done worldwide, yet earn only 10% of the total income, and own 1% of the property. It’s not just about money and power. Every year, 70 million girls are deprived of even a basic education. And a staggering 60 million are sexually assaulted on their way to school. We’re afraid to walk the streets at night, yet some of us are even more afraid to return to our own homes. At least 1 in 4 are victims of domestic violence. And every week, two women in the UK are killed by a current or former partner. So, are we equals?

Until the answer is yes, we must never stop asking."

1 comentario:

  1. El otro día puse un comentanrio en tu post de FB. Sentí una especie de acusación de ser feminista. Esto es básicamente lo mismo. Seré feminista por la injusticia? Por no haber una igualdad en sueldos, cuando el trabajo es el mismo? Al menos, las leyes hoy en Guatemala han cambiado y la mujer tiene mas derechos. Lástima que el dinero pueda manipularlas a conveniencia de quien lo tiene.
    Si esas son las estadísticas en UK, cuáles serán la de este país tan machista?
    Por cierto, excelente!
